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Anybody know what the item to the right of Garlic in Collection is?  It's the only one I haven't unlocked, and I have no idea what it could be. Apparently you can't evolve Garlic in this version, so...


it's pentagram, you get with an achivement, survive for 20 min


That was it - thank you!  I made it to the 30 minute ending many times, but forgot that the weapon has to be chosen to show up in the Collection.


I hope you've made it to the full game. get Sammy from the second dlc. effectively limitless gold that ome

I did get the full game, thanks! It was soooo much better, a ton more content. I'm just a bit of a completionist, so the missing item in the collection was bugging me.

Is this version ever going to be the same version as the one available on google play, or will it remain as what it is to encourage traffic for the steam version instead?


  • What's different from the Steam version? The Steam version is receiving regular content updates, while the web version on Itch is to consider pretty much like a demo.
  • Is it possible to transfer the save file to the Steam version? No, there are plans to look into it but it's highly unlikely it will happen.

magic wand+ whip= vacuuming up xp

tbh i would say evolved fire wand

pls don't necropost, my PC is blowing up rn bc of necroposter's notifications


Any plans for a DRM-free release?

Same request as everybody ... please add a way to transfer the progress to the Steam version. I'd buy it in a heartbeat.


please add a way to transfer save data to the full version!! maybe with a code or something? I've poured hours into the demo and the thought of restarting it all scares me from playing the full version...


iv been playing this for 2 years and still no update


As per the FAQ:

What's different from the Steam version?
The Steam version is receiving regular content updates, while the web version on Itch is to consider pretty much like a demo.

Buy the game, man.  It's $5 on Steam / Switch / Xbox, and free with (optional) ads on mobile.


1: im on a chromebook that is blocked by securly bro how am i supposed to buy that 2: I ONLY HAVE A CHROMEBOOK


There's a google play store version of this game.


aww i wish the orginal got some more love from the devs ;-;

the original that sadly doesnt have endless mode :-/

Happy new year!!!!!



I can not found the option to buy and download the game...


You can get an amazing full version on steam and consoles lol


I don't buy games on Steam! I only buy DRM-free on or Why does this game have a page here on itch, but no way to buy it?


The steam version is drm free, just checked it for you. You can just copy the installation folder

where is the link?


I am not the dev, but I just wanted to say to everyone still watching this page, the most updated (and probably completed) version of the game is on steam for $4.99 and on Android (as far as I know) for free with all of the content.

It would probably work in their favor if poncle added links to various full versions like the ones on steam, switch and mobile...

yeah man mobile is the full game free. 


This is the best game on itchio.


i used to have a job and a family. But now I have vampire survivors.


Very cool game!


This game is really fun, and I enjoy it a lot.




This epic

Run through with Imelda.

Absolutely love this game, it's honestly my new addiction! This is a video with just Antonio. 

Congrats on the Switch port. I hope it can handle all the sprites on screen at once.


Suprisingly fun! What a great gameplay loop!


this game is good, not too hard but not too easy

game nhu cc

ko nen cho

Tin chuan khong anh?

(1 edit) (-2)

help im stuck! I have killed the director twice but after the gold and gem shower i get into the void zoomed out so my character is a tiny Dot with 2 circles of  clapping hands.... And it keeps me there until i kill the app! Is this a bug or what do i do to complet it or how to i exit it? As i recall this is NOT in the PC version…. Please help me… after I killed the app I keep the money front the shower but don’t get the credit for killing him so I can’t complete my collection:-(

ohh I forgot to say it’s the iOS version of the game.

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BUMB!!! anyone please help me with this problem… i cant progress any further!!!

i had that problem but update fixed it

i found just keep trying it will work

I am trying to do the cheese wheel secret, i found the wheel, the werewolves attacked. I wiped them out with the pentagram but didng get the reward. Is this a bug or am I supposed to not use the pentagram?

Pentagram has a chance to wipe everything from the screen, 90% at level one, goes down with level ups, when it says stuff like 45% chance to not delete items. The evolved form does not delete things.

I had evolve, collected the cheese and no credit

I am just saying what I know, that is mostly from the mobile version, the wiki, and youtube


would it be possible to buy the full version on itch? I'm trying to stop buying games from steam

What type of game is this guys? I want to know so i can find more.


Thank you i appreciate it!!!


Such a fun game, play it all the time XD


Mortaccio is great, don't get me wrong, but he starts with the Bone, which would be fine, except it's the worst starting weaon on the game. You need to hope and pray to get Garlic early in your run with him to stand buch of a chance.

Trying to kill death, tried the pick up cross that kills all but it is imune, BUT the clock does work... now I wonder does it have infinite life or can it be killed?

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I managed to kill it in the full version, on a run where I had the Crimson Shroud and probably other health/armor buffs.

Cool, but i'm trying in the Demo, guess it is not possible, but the Clock does freeze it, I might try to chain multiple clocks, but guess not possible in the demo lol.


So Death is technically killable in the demo, but from a practical sense it's impossible.

He has absurdly high health, multiplied by your level when he spawns, and does absurdly high damage (I think he just oneshots you regardless of HP), and knockback has the opposite effect on him. If you were somehow able to keep him frozen indefinitely, it would take you forever to kill him.

i know that i can play on mobile. but the old mad forest theme is such a banger

why isnt  it loading for me


Oh, this developer deletes completely legitimate feedback? Awesome.

!Spoilers ahead!

Just an idea but they should add a second skin for Avatar Infernas that is ashes instead of fire for ashes of muspell 

for those trying to evolve flames of misspell it needs max torrona’s box


Jeux vraiment cool, j'en suis tombé aamoureux et étant chasseur de succès (Xbox) j'ai un problème, depuis que j'ai acheté le DLC moonspell, le compteur de kill bloque entre 2000 et 5000 et même en continuant 1h à détruire du mobs le jeux refuse de compter les kill au dessus du blocage. Pouvez vous régler ce problème ?


If you can somehow have it so that Mx apple silicon could play the iPhone/iPad version of this game I'd be grateful. Thanks =p


i totally love this game :) is a playstation release on your road map? ;)

How do you change to WASD? All I have is mouse and it sucks. Any help is welcome



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Hello team, i´ve download the game on the internet, play this until get 5 scenarios and ten characters and i decide, i need to buy this game, this game is wonderfull and thank you for release create this game, i have two wishes for this game.
1 First ...  make near crossover characters from other universes, no need to be or have the same names [Like Arca its means Alu... hahahahaha]  but do this please like Shin megami tensei main character series, and...

2 Please release a two player mode, i´ve showed this game after buy on steam to 10 friends of mine and 12 of them like!!! and they bought the game via steam or my god this game is awfull wonderfull!!!!

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